Monday, March 31, 2014

Formation Damage & The Petroleum Industry

Formation is the terminology used to describe the type of rock (clay, shale etc.). Formation damage can easily be defined as damage to formation (type of rock).

Formation Damage is extremely harmful problem and headache to oil industry since its beginning. When the formation has damaged the well production hampered or in some cases completely blocked layers of permeable beds result in no production.

Formation Damage with respect to petroleum industry can be best understood with the help of following example:

Suppose an ABC company drilled the well and got production of 40 MSCF gas and the company abandon the well because the production is not economical. The same concession has purchased in a bid by XYZ Company. The XYZ company researchers analyzed that formation has damaged and after removing formation damage got production of 40 MMSCF gas.

In nut shell "The process beneath the earth are purely based on assumptions and calculations and there is no direct way to proof analyze".

I hope the example would be beneficial for understanding formation damage.

Article by Engineer Fahad

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